Apple BLE spoof PoC implemented with Scapy.
This project is created only for educational purposes.
BLE deep dive, RedTeamRD talk slides - Spanish
In the news:
Tested on a Raspberry Pi Zero W with USB UD100 Bluetooth dongle.
contains slightly modified scapy code but it's still based on the original and can be found here:
Substitute scapy's default
with the providedutil/
. Scapy'
file location can be typically found in:/usr/local/lib/python-version/dist-packages/scapy/contrib/
bash script configures & reset the bluetooth interface of the Raspberry Pi Zero W prior to running the spoof PoC script. Uses spooftooph-bin, you can check it here:spoof/
is the script that performs THE spoof attack itself, handles the Pi's bluetooth interface and sends out spoofed airpods' advertising packets. Should be run with sudo.For the demonstration,
were placed in a cronjob to run at boot on the RPi with the Bluetooth dongled connected.